Build AIU Online Community
Welcome to the Asia-Pacific International University Alumni Online Community!
No matter where you live, or whether you graduated last year or 60+ years ago, you will find the Online Community to be valuable tool. Do you want to track down friends and classmates to connect and network? Update other alumni regarding your own status? Submit items to Newsbyte. Find alumni living in your area or working in your professional field? These are just a few things that are possible within the AIU Alumni Online Community.
If you are a new user of the Online Community, please Sign Up Now! If you have already registered, please login!
Here are some of the things you can access to in the Online Community:
- Alumni Directory – Search for friends and network.
- Class Notes – Update your status and career milestones, and read news items about AIU friends and classmates.
- News – Learn about AIU current news.
If you have any questions about using the Online Community, please contact Alumni Relations at .
Alumni Membership Card
All alumni can apply for AIU Alumni Membership Gold Card, and graduates will be entitled to receive a basket of benefits that include:
- 25% discount on guestroom accommodation during the visit to the campus.
- 10% discount for meals in the cafeteria for every purchase of 50 Baht or more during the visit to the campus.
- Free admission to use the Fitness Center while visiting the campus.
- Computer lab and Library access.
The alumni who have contributed 5,000 Baht or more or served the University in various voluntary capacities in the last three years or a fee of 2,000 Baht (valid for five years) will be issued AIU Alumni Membership Platinum Card. These esteemed graduates will be entitled to receiving homecoming benefits:
- 50% discount for guestroom accommodation
- 15% discount for cafeteria meals for a minimum purchase of 50 Baht.
- 25% discount for airport pick up and drop off or from a bus stop or train station
- One free local trip in the Muak Lek area for two hours
- Free admission to the fitness center
- Computer lab and library access
The above benefits are accessible only when alumni visit the campus on a short-term visit. If an alumnus resides on the campus, they are not eligible to receive the alumni membership benefits.
Also, you can use your Alumni Card to get plenty benefits from our partners:
– At Ndol Streamside Thai Villas:
- 10% off from a la carte menu (excludes beverages and it cannot be combined with other promotion).
- 10% off from promotion rate on accommodation (Excludes Group or Function).
- 30% of on spa and treatments for all packages.
– At Srifa Restaurant:
- 5% off on food menu items (excludes beverages).
– At SP Mansion (opposite to Srifa Restaurant):
- 10% off on accommodation