In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Acts 20:35
How to Give
Payment options for US Tax Deductible Receipt
Check to Asia-Pacific International University Foundation, C/O Mack Tennyson, 155 Chapel Drive, Lake Junaluska, NC 28745
- Electronic payment – Wells Fargo Bank
Account number: 2000054544455
South Carolina account terms and conditions apply
- For Direct Deposit, electronic payment use
Routing Number (RTN): 053207766
- For Wire transfer- domestic use
Routing Number (RTN): 121000248
Payment options for Thai Tax Deductible Receipt
- Check to Christian Medical Foundation of SDA & mail to AIU
- Wire transfer or electronic payment – Bangkok Bank a/c no. 149-074744-9
- Type of account – Savings Bank
- Swift code: BKKBTHBK
- Wire transfer or electronic payment – Bangkok Bank a/c no. 149-074744-9
Payment to Asia-Pacific International University
- Check to Asia-Pacific International University, 195 Moo 3, Muaklek, Saraburi 18180, Thailand
- Wire transfer or electronic payment – Bank of Ayudhya a/c no. 055-1-31754-8
- Type of account – Savings Bank
- Branch: Muaklek
- Swift code: AYUDTHBK
- Wire transfer or electronic payment – Bank of Ayudhya a/c no. 055-1-31754-8
Use our secure website link –
Give to Funds
–Covered basketball/volleyball court
AIU campus does not have a multipurpose building to have indoor recreational gatherings and sporting activities. Thailand has a long rainy season and sweltering summer conditions. For sporting activities to take place all year round and social events to be organized without disruption by weather conditions. It will be useful to have a roof over the basketball/volleyball court, which can serve as the multipurpose building until funds are available for an indoor gymnasium.
The University has a guestroom building with six rooms, which can accommodate up to 18 guests. AIU regularly receives visitors, mission trip groups from other universities and hosts conferences & training for 30 to 40 members. As the University also serves as a convention center, there is a need to expand guestroom accommodation for another ten rooms to accommodate visiting groups, an alternative revenue source.
–Faculty & Staff Housing
AIU has limited housing on the campus, and expatriate employees cannot own houses in the community. Many families have grown over the years, and they are still living in two-bedroom or one-bedroom apartments/houses. Several of the faculty/staff members also live in the married student apartments. Therefore the need for three duplex houses to accommodate six faculty and staff with larger families.
–Multipurpose building
Long-term AIU needs a multipurpose building to host large gatherings of about 1,500 seats for graduation, social and cultural events, and indoor sporting events. Currently, many of the games are scheduled according to the season because they hold them outdoors; the weather can disrupt the program. Often, these events have to be canceled or have differed. In reality, the University needs a multipurpose building or indoor gymnasium for activities and events that can be held indoors throughout the year, a must for a university with modern infrastructure and students from around the world.
–Music Building
The music program is offered as a minor emphasis, and in the newly started community school, over 40 plus students are taking various lessons in a week. It is a growing program. The University loses more than three to five students a year who are interested in the music major. There is a potential to offer a music major as the University recruits and upgrades music faculty. Even with the current music program and community music school, there is a need for a music building. Music lessons and classes are held in makeshift classes and spread out in a couple of buildings. The supervision of the practice sessions and equipment is becoming a challenge. Music practice sessions are a disturbance to other classes and offices. Having a music building will enable the two programs to grow, and your contribution is solicited.
–AIU Annual Fund
It contributes to the AIU experience of students at Asia-Pacific International University. The donations to the Annual Fund support financially challenged junior and senior students
through scholarships. The Fund also aids in the campus’s capital equipment/vehicles/renovations replacement needs to maintain the University operation.
Contributions to the unrestricted Fund go a long way to provide quality Adventist education
and life-transforming experience at AIU.
–Work Program Matching Fund
The University has an active student work program for needy students. The student work program is for financially challenged students and wants to pursue their education in an Adventist institution. It allows students to have well-rounded development of all the aspects of student growth. There are over 200 students in the work education program each semester. Each year 3% (5 Mil Baht) of the total operating budget is allocated for the student work program. Students can earn approximately 20% of total fees for the year, working 12 hours per week during the semester and working seven weeks full time during Christmas and summer break through the work program. Working students currently receive 50% matching from the Student Work Program Matching Fund, which has no funds. Full-time working students during the breaks can earn up to 25% of the total fees. With the Fund’s growth, working students can also receive 100% matching, earning up to 30% of the total costs. It will be good for self-supporting students to earn a higher percentage of cost education from the student work program.
–AIU Chamber Choir Mission Trip
The University Chamber Choir embarks on a yearly mission trip to locations within the country and outside of Thailand. The choir’s regular size is 70 members, but in the Chamber Choir, 30 members are involved. The university choir’s ministry enriches the choir members’ spiritual lives and blesses churches and communities ministering through music and other community service projects. Most choir members partially contribute to the mission trips, but international travel costs are significantly higher, which the members cannot afford. And conducting meaningful community service projects requires funds. Your generous contribution to the choir mission trip fund will be another impactful outreach ministry, and at the same time, it is an in-reach ministry for the choir members themselves.
–Mission Trips
Every year, 4-5 clubs and ethnic groups go out on mission trips, mostly within Thailand. These are student-led initiatives, and these groups go to interior parts of the country, helping schools and communities. The mission trips have an evangelistic focus by conducting English Camps in the schools or for communities. Mission trip groups also repair and renovate small building projects for the school, as they lack the government’s funds in these remote areas. During the mission trips, the school’s local communities receive help in harvesting crops or even service projects for the villages, like repairing homes of more impoverished families. The clubs in the University rely on contributions for their dreams to realize. Your donation will help mission-minded young people bless the communities and themselves have the life-transforming experience of serving God.
–Evangelism Field School
The Evangelism Field School is an essential part of the pastoral training of the Theology students. The Theology students receive practical training organizing and conducting all aspects of evangelism in remote parts of the country or even travel to neighboring countries surrounding Thailand. Although students pay for field practicum fees, funds are not enough for long-distance travel and community service projects. Community service projects now have become an integral part of evangelism in countries where people are predominantly Buddhists. For Theology students to have real-life and practical experience conducting evangelism, they need your financial support.
–Volunteer Camp
Student Council is organizing volunteer camps to help build infrastructures like a concrete playground in village schools and painting school buildings away from major towns. Fundraising is done by students on campus through garage and food sales, even going out
and selling things in the local market. Over more than 100 students join the volunteer camp and come back with life-changing experiences to make a difference in the children’s lives in a village school. They live in humble accommodations and cook their meals. Conduct an English camp for the school children and visit parents of the school children. Raising funds is one of the main challenges students face for building school infrastructure each year.
–Faculty Research Fund and Research Fund for Graduating Students
Research is a critical component of the University, accreditation, academics, and faculty members’ professional growth qualification. Without funds, it will be challenging to research by the faculty. Likewise, graduate students have to be involved in research to complete their studies. Most of the graduate students struggle with the additional cost of conducting the research and making a presentation of the research paper at a conference, which may require travel and participation costs.
–AIU Alumni Fund
Your involvement and contribution are needed to serve current & future alumni by forming regional and countrywide alumni chapters, local events, alumni databases, and Homecoming.
Boonsing Boonkham Endowment Scholarship Fund
The endowed Fund supports worthy nursing students with financial needs, excelling academically, and actively involved in the Faculty events and programs.
Burnett Endowed Scholarship Fund
The endowed Fund supports worthy nursing students with financial needs, excelling academically, and actively involved in the Faculty events and programs.
Chaleo Endowed Scholarship Fund
The endowed Fund supports worthy nursing students with financial needs, excelling academically, and actively involved in the Faculty events and programs.
Charleo & Sumon Chimintara Endowed Fund
The endowed Fund supports worthy nursing students with financial needs, excelling academically, and actively involved in the Faculty events and programs.
Grace Yang Fong Scholarship Fund
Grace Young was a student of Mission College Faculty of Nursing Class of 1954. She passed away in 1999, and in her honor, the Fong family set up this scholarship fund. To assist one student for each class, including prospective nursing students with a GPA of 3.0 or more, and demonstrating to be an exceptional nursing student.
John & Loretta Alspaugh Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was created and contributed by Pr. John and Mrs. Loretta Alspaugh and fellow church members. The scholarship grant was established to support Thai Theology students during ESL studies 50% of tuition and fees and their college studies if they need support. There are a great need and shortage of pastors in Thailand Adventist Mission.
Kohkhan Endowed Scholarship Fund
The endowed Fund supports worthy nursing students with financial needs, excelling academically, and actively involved in the Faculty events and programs.
La Tourette Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Elsa La Tourette were pioneering medical missionaries to Thailand who helped establish Bangkok Adventist (Mission) Hospital. Dr. La Tourette graduated in 1939 from the College of Medical Evangelists (Loma Linda University); by late 1940, he and his wife joined Dr. Ralph, and Mrs. Ellen Waddell at the clinic would eventually become Bangkok Adventist Hospital. When World War II reached Thailand in late 1941, the La Tourettes and many foreign residents were sent to a local internment camp. It was here that their son, Harvey, who also became a physician, was born in April 1942. The La Tourettes were released from internment in 1943 in exchange for Japanese nationals.
After the war, the La Tourettes served briefly in Bangkok before eventually settling in Ceres, California, where they started a private medical practice in 1953. However, their devotion to Thailand’s people continued through the years in working visits and financial aid to many projects.
The La Tourette Endowed fund is designated to provide President Scholarship funding, which grants full scholarship to one of the top three students with an excellent academic performance each year from the feeder schools in the Southeast Asia Union Mission territory. These are students who are recommended by the respective school administration and are studying at AIU. The scholarship recipients have to maintain a GPA of 2.75, required citizenship points, and worship requirements.
Maggy Pariani Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Maggy Pariani, an alumnus of Mission Hospital School of Nursing, willed the Maggy Pariani Scholarship before her death to establish the Maggy Pariani Scholarship fund to support 50% of tuition and fees to deserving students from Southeast Asian countries and those who maintain a GPA of 3.50 and fulfill the citizen requirements of the University.
Pleng-Jariya Endowed Scholarship Fund
The endowed Fund supports worthy nursing students with financial needs, excelling academically, and actively involved in the Faculty events and programs.
Jack Shao Scholarship Fund
The scholarship fund assists students from mainland China. The scholarship is awarded to students with exceptional academic performance and economically disadvantaged.
Ruenrudee Endowed Scholarship Fund
The endowed Fund supports worthy nursing students with financial needs, excelling academically, and actively involved in the Faculty events and programs.
Salinee Navamaratna Endowed Scholarship Fund
The endowed Fund supports worthy nursing students with financial needs, excelling academically, and actively involved in the Faculty events and programs.
Sprengel-Lutz Thai SDA Student Scholarship Fund
The Sprengels were missionaries to Thailand, and Dr. Helen Sprengel supported the early stages of establishing the legacy institution Mission College. Drs Reuben and Helen Sprengel, and Mr. Bill Lutzo of California initiated the Sprengel-Lutz Scholarship fund to assist Thai SDA students studying at AIU. Scholarships are granted to applicants who have demonstrated academic potential but lack financial resources to pursue an Adventist university education. Sprengel-Lutz Scholarship Committee finalizes the applicants.
Sunti Sorajjakool Scholarship Fund
The scholarship fund was established in the loving memory of Pr. Sunti Sorajjakool by his beloved wife, children, and family members. Needy students of sound character, those who participate in the student work program, the Scholarship Committee of the University will decide the worthy and deserving students to receive the Fund. The priority is given to students from Thailand first and then to students from Southeast Asia or China. The scholarship grant is for qualifying students and depending on the availability of funds. The amount disbursed for the Thai students is tuition and fees not covered by the student loan, and for non-Thais, not more than 50% of total tuition and fees costs.
WWJD Upgrading & Scholarship Fund
The WWJD Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 by Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Karen Sugihara. Karen grew up in Singapore near Southeast Asia Union College (SAUC), where an uncle and aunt, Daniel and Maggie Tan, were serving; her uncle Daniel was President of SAUC from 1966 to 1976. Glenn became an Adventist while studying at La Sierra University, where he met Karen, so SDA higher education played an important role in both of their experiences.
The Sugiharas became acquainted with Sarapee and Wayne Hamra when both families attended the Concord, California SDA Church while Wayne was upgrading in the US from 1998–2002. Glenn served as Church Treasurer for several years and became involved in supporting outreach projects in Thailand. Other family members and friends have joined with them in providing scholarships to Southeast Asian working students who face financial challenges in attending Asia-Pacific International University.
Weissman Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Weissman Fund initially was a scholarship fund. From 2019 it is an endowed fund to assist SDA Thai students in pursuing study programs at AIU and demonstrate genuine economic disadvantage. The Fund’s contribution came from Dr. & Mrs. David Weissman of California, who have served as medical missionaries in Thailand. The scholarship value is between 30,000 – 40,000 Baht each year, decided by the Scholarship Committee to eligible students and available funds.
Rupporn & Nupporn Priyawat Scholarship Fund
The Priyawat sisters Rupporn and Nupporn were students of the Faculty of Science at AIU before transferring to the US and earning their medical degrees. The initial amount of $10,000 was contributed by the sisters to establish the scholarship fund. The Priyawat family continues to donate to the Fund to recognize the daughters’ achievements and motivate other students to excel in their studies. The scholarship supports and encourages the pursuit of courses in the sciences: students who excel academically and struggling financially.
Retnam Nambiar Scholarship Fund
Mr. Sunder Nambiar and the family set up this Fund in memory of their late father, Mr. Retnam Nambiar. The scholarship fund supports students from Malaysia and Thailand who are either self-supporting or receive minimal support. The awardees have completed the first year of studies, maintaining a GPA of 2.8 and good citizenship at the University. The grant is to three students from the Faculty of nursing, education, and Theology of 15,000 Baht each up to a maximum of three years.
Armin & Sirinthip Kritzinger Scholarship Fund
Both Pastor Armin and his wife K. Sirinthip are alumni of AIU. They set up the scholarship fund to support deserving Theology students who have good character, demonstrated need, a male student/s with a GPA of 3.30 or higher and worship attendance of 90% or above. The eligible students will receive a scholarship of 10,000 Baht per academic year and depending on the availability of funds.
Poeling Tritasavit Scholarship Fund
Poeling Tritavasit was an alumnus of SAUC and graduated in nursing abroad. She died of lung cancer. For her memorial, Dr. John C.S. Tand, Miss Wannurhayan Saleah, and friends organized the scholarship fund to help students study nursing in the Mission Faculty of Nursing. The scholarship is awarded to six students from sophomore and seven from the junior and senior classes, amounting to 5,000 Baht each by maintaining a GPA of not less than 2.5 and other stipulated requirements.
Chirie Vorawan Scholarship Fund
The endowed Fund supports worthy nursing students with financial needs, excelling academically, and actively involved in the Faculty events and programs.
Australia Scholarship Fund
The scholarship was established by Professor and Mrs. Shipton (former AIU President) to deserving students in the Faculty of Science and Education from Southeast Asia, China, Mongolia, and Myanmar. The scholarship grant is 25% of tuition and fees for three years by maintaining the required GPA of 3.0 and fulfilling the required criteria.
Gail Valentine Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Gail Valentine Memorial Scholarship Fund is in memory of her life and contribution to Adventist education and serving as a Faculty member at AIU by her immediate family members. She was diagnosed with cancer in the middle of the academic year while on a trip to Australia and could not return to the campus to teach. The scholarship is awarded to junior or senior two women students per year who have a GPA of 3.0 or above selected by the Faculty of Business, who exemplify and demonstrate qualities of spiritual commitment, service, social responsibility, and have financial need.
Barnabas Scholarship Fund
The Barnabas Scholarship was started in 2020 with the initiative of faculty members from the Faculty of Science. To help diligent students, working to support themselves, and demonstrated improvement in their GPA in the last two semesters but less than 2.8 GPA. The award will be a maximum of 15,000 Baht per student with three awardees per academic year.
–Stateless Student Scholarship
The University took a bold step to intervene in the plight of the stateless people in Thailand. They are the most vulnerable and live in a constant poverty cycle, with young people having no access to a college education. These are stateless people with
no refugee status, and they are over 400,000 of them. They live in the border areas with Myanmar and have lived in Thailand for a couple of generations. They live in their districts and cannot move out for better job opportunities, no means or influence to procure citizenship IDs. Young people do not have access to a college education because of the need to travel to cities. Most young men do not even complete high school education, and many get involved in drugs and illicit trafficking. The young ladies, many of them finish high school education but cannot continue with their education. For many of the girls, prostitution is the next option with a lack of better job opportunities.
The University is partnering with ADRA Thailand to make a difference to the stateless community in Thailand. AIU will be the first University to support and accept stateless young girls to pursue their college education. ADRA will help screen and select 15 young college-eligible students who have completed high school and process the paperwork to leave the district to study at AIU. The University will provide a work education program, and these students will need financial assistance.
The University is offering discounted yearly fees of $2,500 per student. That includes room and board, as well as summer school per student in the Thai Program. These young girls will virtually come with nothing, and AIU will be their home for the next four years. We solicit your prayers and financial contribution to provide Adventist education for these underprivileged girls.
–Academic Excellence Scholarship Awards
The University has students who do well academically each semester to motivate them further and keep these high academic achievers in AIU. The University needs to offer academic excellence scholarships. Your contribution will not only help retain excellent students but also attract worthy meritorious students.
–La Tourette Endowed/President Endowed Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is designated for three top deserving students each year from SDA Church-owned feeder high schools from Southeast Asia Union Mission territory. As AIU is the only institution of higher learning for this Union territory, a scholarship is granted to attract students from its feeder schools. Most of the students from these feeder schools come from economically weaker strata of society, and they need financial assistance. There are seven secondary schools in this territory. The La Tourette endowed fund earnings are not sufficient to provide scholarships from these feeder schools. This endowed scholarship fund needs to grow to attract more students from the feeder schools.
1. Endowed Scholarships
The endowed scholarships enable several worthy students to attend the University. The funds provide scholarships to financially challenged students. Through these scholarships, many students enroll in the University, and several can complete their education. The minimum requirement to establish the Fund is 0.5 Million Baht (USD 15,000).
2. Endowed Chairs
The endowed chair funds will help to attract, retain, and honor distinguished faculty members. It will contribute to maintaining quality education and thereby enhancing the financial stability of the institution. The recipients are ranked faculty members with recognized achievements in their respective fields. The funding to establish an endowed chair amounts to 2 Million Baht (USD 60,000).
3. Endowed Programs
The endowed program funds are to develop advanced academics at AIU to provide quality education at standards expected in the field. The endowed programs require contributions of 2 Million Baht (USD 60,000).
Contact Advancement Office to explore different options to support Asia-Pacific International University’s growth and development and its mission. One can otherwise choose to remember AIU in their will. Their contribution will surely make a lasting impact, and we will never forget the generous donation.
AIU employees can give annual Funds or specific established funds through easy and convenient monthly payroll deduction. For yearly contributions over 10,000 Baht, one can receive Thailand’s tax-deductible receipt. Fill in the pledge form available in the Advancement Office, or one can download it from SARRA. If one needs any assistance, contact us, and we will be happy to help. Your participation through a donation to the University’s growth and development means that one loves and cares for the institution they serve.
One can choose to donate a gift in kind to the University. If it is of significant value, we will look at the possibility of benefiting from a tax deduction in Thailand or for US citizens in the US through the University foundation. Please contact the Advancement Office before donating any gift in kind. Once the Advancement Office receives the gift information, it can decide the marketability or use of the contribution. The contribution will further the work of Adventist education, even if it is a gift in kind.
Contribution can be made in honor of family and friends to keep their memory alive and recognize their accomplishments in personal, spiritual, or professional life. Family members can choose to establish a memorial scholarship or endowed chair for a lasting memory. AIU considers it a privilege to honor their loved ones.
Honorary gifts are to celebrate the success and impact of an individual on AIU. The alumni can choose to honor the lecturer or advisor who contributed to their life at AIU. It can be in the form of a scholarship fund or an endowed chair. Family and friends can also decide to honor someone’s success.