Asia-Pacific International University coordinates with Red Cross to arrange a blood drive every year. Blood donations, also known as blood drives, are organized regularly to help maintain the general supply of blood in hospitals and health care institutions. Almost all severe health issues use blood donated to save lives.
Usually, Red Cross organization representatives are sent to our campus, and a section of the IT Building (ground floor) is turned into a blood donation center for the day. However, this year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, donors had to be safely transported to Saraburi Hospital to have their blood drawn and collected there.
Mrs. Thunya Somphan (campus nurse), the Branch Sabbath School coordinator, and Mr. Somporn Khajornpop organized multiple trips between September 2020 and February 2021 to get students, faculty, and staff donors to the hospital for the donations. On September 25, 2020; October 17, 2020; November 15, 2020 and February 13, 2021, a total of thirty-one students took day trips to Saraburi Hospital to donate blood.
There is a constant need for a regular blood supply because it can be stored only for a limited time before use. Regular blood donation from healthy people is needed to ensure that blood will always be available whenever and wherever needed. The organizers plan to repeat the blood drive again next year and hope more people will be encouraged and willing to donate blood.
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