“Break down challenging content into smaller portions and review them frequently to improve comprehension and memory. Actively engage with the content using visuals, communication, or summarization to enhance long-term memory and understanding.”

Abel Brown

FON, Nursing

Good company is critical. I surrounded myself with people who encouraged and motivated me, so studying was easy even when the material was complex.


FIT, Information Technology

“Always give your best. When you look back, you’ll find peace knowing you did your utmost to avoid regrets.”

Zet San Mai

FOE, Teaching

“General and genuine interest in my field of study motivates me to put my best effort into enhancing my knowledge and thinking outside the box.”


FAH, English for Communication

“Prioritize your faith and concentrate during lectures for a maximum of 2 hours to build a strong foundation that will benefit you in the long run.”


FOS, Public Health

“Become passionate about studying; study to learn instead of achieving good grades. When we change our perspective on actual learning, the rest (good grades, etc.) will come with it.”


FIT, Information Technology

” ‘Take time to prepare; spare yourself regrets later.’ This is my favorite motto, and it motivates me every time.”

Niang Sen

FOE, Education

“The three golden tips for academic success are studying consistently, taking effective notes in class, and reviewing old lessons. Most important of all, enjoy the process.”

Aung Pyae

FAH, English for Communication

“If you ever doubt your study smarts, remember: putting in double the effort outshines genius any day. Be that top student who hustles because hard work always trumps relying on natural intelligence!”

Deguang Yang

FBA, Accounting

“I prioritized my health. I slept early, woke up early, met God early, and studied early every day. I exercised daily, I ate good food, I sang in the choir, and I didn’t play games.” 


FRS, Christian Studies