About Our Library
Should you need help to search for books or articles, please approach the librarian seated at the reference desk. If you don’t see anyone at the desk, please come to the circulation counter and ask for a librarian. The counter staff should be able to assist you by quickly calling a librarian to attend to you.
Click on the Tabs below to know more about our library.
Heritage Room
Dr. Siriporn (Center), Dr. Bissel (left), and a student looking at
the tools of the pioneers. On the background are pictures of
former Presidents of the Southeast Asia Union College, Singapore.
The Heritage Room will preserve items such as publications of the works and contributions of local missions and missionaries to the church and society in the Southeast Asia Union region. The SAUM comprises the countries of Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Alumni of the college, and missionaries of SAUM are encouraged to participate in the development of this Heritage Room by depositing pictures, artifacts, manuscripts, etc, that may be useful resources for future reference.
Location: The Heritage Room is located on the second floor of AIU Library.
Organization of Library Materials
AIU library uses the Dewey Decimal Classification System for organizing its materials. However, where possible, librarians have assigned the Library of Congress Classification Numbers to many books and they are available for viewing in the MARC records.
Reference Resources
Thai resources, both circulating and reference, are found on the ground floor. All English reference books are on the ground floor as well.
Library Software System The library employs the Magic Library Software System for computerizing its catalogue. It is a locally made system, bilingual, and web-based.
Guide to the Library
– First Floor:
Circulation Desk
Circulating Thai Books
Computers for Internet Research
Current Journals & Newspapers
Online Public Access Catalogue [OPAC]
Reader Services Office
Reference Resources & Information Assistance
– Second Floor:
Circulating English Books [DDC 400–900]
Heritage Room
International Corner
Library Director’s Office
Retrospective Journals
– Third Floor:
Acquisitions & Cataloging Librarians’ Offices
Circulating English Books [DDC 000–300]
E. G. White Collection
Educational Media Center
EMC Coordinator’s Office
Group Discussion Rooms
Multi-Purpose Room
Main Classes | Subjects | Location |
000 | Generals Works | 3rd Floor |
100 | Philosophy & Psychology | 3rd Floor |
200 | Religion | 3rd Floor |
300 | Social Sciences | 3rd Floor |
400 | Language | 2nd Floor |
500 | Natural Sciences & Mathematics | 2nd Floor |
600 | Technology (Applied Sciences) | 2nd Floor |
700 | Fine & Decorative Arts | 2nd Floor |
800 | Literature & Rhetoric | 2nd Floor |
900 | Geography & History | 2nd Floor |