AIU SDA 25% Scholarship
Scholarship Description
The Malaysia Union Mission, Singapore Conference and Southeastern Asia Union Mission (MAUM, SAC & SEUM) Church Member Education Subsidy policy is outlined below, including the terms and conditions governing this subsidy, as well as other useful information. Your application should be submitted directly to Asia-Pacific International University (AIU) rather than to the local Mission or the SEUM. Please take note of the following criteria to be eligible for the MAUM, SAC & SEUM Church Member Education Subsidy program.
- 25% subsidy on tuition will be granted to eligible Adventist students from within the MAUM, SAC & SEUM territories upon verification of membership by the local pastor. The minimum church membership requirement for subsidy eligibility is one year. Those who qualify include:
1) baptized members of the SDA Church,
2) dependents of SDA Church members,
3) dependents whose legal guardians are Seventh-day Adventists,
4) Adventist students from outside of MAUM, SAC & SEUM whose parents are employed within the church’s denominational structure within MAUM, SAC & SEUM. - The subsidy is dependent on students’ good citizenship and their active participation in the university spiritual and congregational activities. Participation is determined by chapel, assembly, dormitory worship and weekend services attendance records. Should a student’s attendance records fall below 70% for the semester the subsidy will be withdrawn for the following regular semester.
- Students must be registered with a full credit-load, if possible, to qualify for the subsidy to be applied to summer session classes.
- When a student fails to achieve a 2.0 grade point average for the semester, the subsidy shall be reduced from 25% to 15% for the following semester.
- Within a period of not more than five years, complete the undergraduate degree of the equivalent of four years of full-time enrolment.
- Completed university application packet (including 2 completed recommendation forms, a financial information form, and a signed Values and Expectations form). These documents can be completed and submitted online
- One copy of applicant’s baptismal certificate.
- A completed MAUM, SAC & SEUM Education Subsidy Application Form.
Application Process:
- Students can apply from today until March 31st of every year to Ms. Phatcharada, the Advancement Assistant in the Marketing Office.
- The student should fill out the application form and submit a short essay explaining their plans after graduation as well as an explanation of their family situation and financial needs.
Please communicate with your faculty dean or Ms. Phatcharada in the Marketing office () for more details about this scholarship.